Sylvia Montgomery的Communiqueso采访亮点已发布

铰链的高级合作伙伴Sylvia Montgomery于2016年6月20日和23日接受了Communiqueso的播客进行了采访。面试的成绩单来自播客,标题为“原始研究作为营销工具“发表在Communiqueso的网站上。

When asked what drives professional services firms to conduct research, Sylvia noted, “Many times it has to do with the fact that a firm is not growing anymore… Many of the firms that we work with are middle-market firms – meaning they’ve been around for some time. So, over time they’ve added more services and all the sudden, it’s very unclear to them AND their clients what they actually do.”




Communiqueso Podcast旨在通知,建议和激励内部营销人员挑战现状,并通过分享成功和失败的专业知识和坦率的故事来创造组织变革。Communiqueso提供了一周的营销,通信和职业洞察力,该领域的专业人士在努力利用他们的专业知识和人才来创造真正的变革,并在其组织内推进营销的作用。