
会计营销协会发表了李·弗雷德里克森(Lee Frederiksen)的文章,“关于推荐的新思维方式:您需要知道的10件事,”在夏季发行的增长策略中。本文概述了与全国认证估值师和分析师协会(NACVA)进行的联合研究铰链的10个关键发现。它解释了企业如何制定针对增长的推荐策略。


Articles featured in AAM’s quarterly publication, Growth Strategies: The Journal of Accounting Marketing and Sales, cover topics that apply to marketers, business developers and firm leaders responsible for growing the firm – including managing partners, niche leaders, management/executive committee members, office administrators and others. Together, you can use the wisdom shared in Growth Strategies to drive revenue and profitability in your firm.